Phone: 056 772 1399
Mobile: 083 352 7243

Planning a Get-together or Celebration?
Whether it’s an intimate family gathering or a full scale party, we have a room to suit your needs.
Just a few steps from John’s Bridge at the heart of the city; the Home Rule Club offers a variety of options for your party or event.
To download or view, click on the image above for PDF version.

Find Us Here
3 John’s Quay, Kilkenny, R95 T382

Kilkenny Home Rule Club
“Meet old friends and make new ones”
Founded in 1894, the original aim of the Club was to support the Home Rule Movement which aspired to self-government for Ireland. Home Rule Clubs were once widespread throughout the land, and Kilkenny Home Rule Club is the last remaining one in the country. It has no political affiliations and opens its doors as a social club where visitors and locals can enjoy a drink, a chat and a unique atmosphere.

Watch out for our monthly sessions: Open House – a mixture of music, song and storytelling where everyone has a chance to join in; Trad nights led by musicians of national and international renown and Youth trad (7 to 9 pm) where the musicians of the future are mentored by a group of adults as they learn their craft.

For information of upcoming events, find us on Facebook or our website

St Patrick’s Gate from Lower Patrick Street 1864
The Home Rule Club began here July 1894 – June 1897
Photo: Royal Society of Antiquities of Ireland

St. Patrick’s Gate from Upper Patrick Street 1864
The Home Rule Club began here July 1894 – June 1897
Photo: Royal Society of Antiquities of Ireland